Judith A. Dexter Social Security Disability Lawyer Bethlehem PA

Bethlehem Disability Lawyer
Lehigh County Disability Lawyer
18018 Disability Lawyer

Judith A. Dexter Social Security Disability Lawyer

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Judith A. Dexter is listed as providing help to individuals looking to file for Social Security disability in Bethlehem, PA (Northampton County). Filing for disability is a complicated and time-consuming process and having an experienced Bethlehem disability lawyer or advocate helping you can save time and reduce stress in most cases.

Judith A. Dexter Disability Attorney Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Judith A. Dexter is a Bethlehem lawyer offering legal services to help file for Social Security disability or file an appeal if your disability claim is denied.

Judith A. Dexter Bethlehem Office Location

70 E Broad St

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Disability Lawyer Bethlehem, Pennsylvania